Motif Asmat. Find Motif Asmat Papua Indonesia Vector Red stock images in HD and millions of other royaltyfree stock photos illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection Thousands of new highquality pictures added every day.

Motif batik menggambarkan motif kesukuan suku Asmat yang pada umumnya ditemukan pada patung kayu Batik Asmat biasanya dibuat menggunakan pewarna alami dari tanah terakota Motif batik jenis ini umumnya diproduksi di banyak daerah di Papua termasuk provinsi Papua Barat Catatan Semua konten dan gambar batik di situs web ini telah dilindungi.
Find Motif Asmat Papua Indonesia Vector Tribal stock images in HD and millions of other royaltyfree stock photos illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection Thousands of new highquality pictures added every day.
Asmat Papua IWareBatik
Fakta Menarik Motif Batik AsmatBerasal Dari Tanah PapuaDiambil Dari Nama Suku AsliTerinspirasi Dari Corak UkiranMenggunakan WarnaWarna TanahMakna Di Balik Motif Batik AsmatRagam Motif Batik Papua lainnyaPada mulanya batik populer di kalangan masyarakat Jawa khususnya terkonsentrasi pada wilayah Yogyakarta ataupun Surakarta Seiring berjalannya waktu seniman pembatik mulai tersebar ke wilayahwilayah lain Sehingga mereka menghasilkan produk kesenian yang memiliki ciri khas tersendiri berdasarkan wilayahnya masingmasing Nah kali ini saya akan membahas tentang motif Asmat Motif satu ini tidak lain berasal dari tanah Papua Pusat pembuatannya biasanya berada di sentrasentra batik yaitu terletak di Kota Jayapura Ini merupakan salah satu ragam corak yang paling populer Secara umum pembuatan corak Asmat tidak jauh berbeda dari batik Jawa pada umumnya Antara lain menggunakan metode tulis maupun cap Pembuatan motif dengan metode tulis tentunya membutuhkan waktu lebih lama Bahkan pembuatannya bisa memakan waktu 2 hingga 3 bulan atau lebih Ini tergantung pada kerumitan coraknya Batik tulis dibanderol dengan harga lebih mahal karena dibuat secara manual oleh pengrajin Sedangkan pembuatan dengan cap cenderung lebih mudah karena menggunakan bantuan cetakan Akan tetapi prosesnya juga tetap membutuhkan skill tersendiri Batik Asmat cap biasanya dijual dengan harga lebih terjangkau Fakta kedua dari produk seni budaya ini adalah namanya diambil dari salah satu suku asli yang tinggal di Papua yaitu suku Asmat Suku ini terdiri dari dua kelompok yang tinggal di wilayah berbeda Yakni sebagian kelompok tinggal di wilayah pesisir pantai dan sebagian lainnya pada bagian pedalaman Salah satu keahlian mereka yang paling terkenal adalah mampu membuat karya ukiran unik dari kayu Mereka juga kerap berpenampilan khas dengan aksesorisaksesoris unik dan tubuh yang diwarnai Yaitu menggunakan warna merah atau putih pada area wajah tangan atau bagian tubuh lainnya Namun biasanya kebiasaan ini tidak dilakukan setiap waktu Melainkan pada momenmomen tertentu saja seperti upacara adat atau ritual yang berkaitan dengan kepercayaan masyarakat setempat Salah satu keahlian utama suku Asmat adalah membuat ukiran dari kayu Itulah mengapa motif tradisional mereka juga banyak terinspirasi dari corak ukiran kayu yang dibuat Corak yang dibuat biasanya berupa patungpatut duduk kayu Lain dari corak khas Jawa yang biasanya memiliki bentuk simetris atau berdasarkan pola geometris Motif kain Asmat cenderung memiliki bentuk asimetris sehingga memiliki keunikan tersendiri Ini adalah salah satu corak yang saya rekomendasikan untuk melengkapi koleksi batikmu Dengan begitu kamu mempunyai lebih banyak pilihan motif cantik untuk menghadiri berbagai acara penting Salah satu hal yang menjadi kekuatan karakter batik dari Papua adalah warnawarnanya cenderung cerah seperti merah hijau kuning hingga biru Namun motif Asmat cukup berbeda karena menggunakan warna tanah Pilihan warnanya biasanya coklat tanah atau terakota (menyerupai merah bata) Warna natural tersebut biasanya berasal dari pewarna alami Yakni diperoleh dari olahan batang kayu kulit kayu daun buah dan sebagainya Corak Asmat bisa dibilang memiliki warna yang lebih natural dibanding jenis motif dari Papua lain dengan warna cerahnya Biasanya warnawarna cerah tersebut memanfaatkan bahan pewarna sintetis Di balik sebuah karya seni tentu terdapat makna yang tersirat Begitu juga dengan corak batik Asmat yang begitu unik dan juga khas Warnawarna pada batik tersebut melambangkan tanah Papua Sedangkan corak ukiran sebagai motifnya adalah simbol tradisi seni ukir yang begitu kuat melekat serta kental bagi masyarakat setempat Sementara itu guratan ukir yang diciptakan pada kayukayu juga memiliki maknanya tersendiri Misalnya sebagai media untuk mengekspresikan penghormatan kepada para roh leluhur Selain itu ukiran tersebut juga sebagai media untuk menceritakan kisahkisah heroik hingga mistis kepada generasi selanjutnya Selain motif Asmat Papua juga memiliki ragam batik lainnya Salah satunya yaitu corak Sentani corak ini digambarkan oleh alur batang pohon yang melingkarlingkar Corak tersebut adalah simbol kesuburan tanah Papua Selain itu juga terdapat corak Tifa Honai terinspirasi dari rumah adat dan alat musik khas Papua Motif satu ini melambangkan kenyamanan rumah yang dipenuhi kebahagiaan Dengan mengenal motif Asmat kamu memiliki tambahan wawasan seputar kekayaan batik Nusantara Kamu bisa memadukan batik Asmat dengan bawahan celana maupun rok bagi perempuan Dibuat dress juga tidak kalah cantik lho.
Motif Asmat Papua Indonesia Vector Red Stock Vector (Royalty
The batik motif illustrates the Asmat’s sacred tribal motifs that are mostly drawn on wood sculptures The Asmat Batik is usually made using natural dye in brown or terracotta soil color This kind of batik motif are commonly produced in many areas of Papua including West Papua province.
Antiques Art Vintage
Motif Asmat Papua Indonesia Vector Tribal Stock Vector
Asmat Papua IWareBatik
Motif Batik Asmat, Eksotisme Budaya dari Tanah Papua
IntroductionLocation and HomelandLanguageFolkloreReligionMajor HolidaysRites of PassageInterpersonal RelationsLiving ConditionsFamily LifeThe Asmat are a Melanesian or Papuan people who live within the Indonesian province of Papua that occupies most of the western half of the island of New Guinea They are widely known for the quality of their wood sculptures and they are also notorious for their traditional practices of headhunting and cannibalism which have been linked to the unsolved disappearance of Michael Rockefeller 23yearold son of former New Yorkgovernor Nelson Rockefeller in 1961 while touring the region to collect indigenous artwork The Asmat's first European contact was with the Dutch in 1623 Some 150 years later Captain James Cook arrived on their shores For many years due to their fearsome reputation the group had few outside visitors and another 150 years passed before the Dutch began to settle the Asmat area in the 1920s bringing in the first Catholic missionaries The first permanent Dutch colonial post at Agats was established in 1938 During World War II Asmat lands lay on the bor The Asmat have traditionally been a coastal people occupying a lowlying swampy region that covers approximately 25000 square kilometers in southwestern Papua The swamps are punctuated by stands of sago palms mangroves and patches of tropical rain forest Numerous streams and tributaries that overflow their banks in the rainy season provide the primary means of transportation for the Asmat The Asmat population is estimated at around 70000 living in about 120 villages with populations of up to 2000 There are five main cultural groups of the Asmat Central Asmat Casuarina Coast Asmat Yaosakor Asmat North Asmat and Citak In the remainder of this entry Asmat will refer to the Central Asmat unless otherwise specified The Indonesian government granted Papua “special autonomy” status in November of 2001 along with a promise to provide limited autonomy and control to the indigenous peoples there such as the Asmat as long as they can substantiate their traditional land claims The Asmat languages belong to a larger language family known as AsmatKamoro This language family is classified by linguists as being nonAustronesian or Papuan There are around 70 different language families within the nonAustronesian grouping but their internal relationships to each other have not yet been determined The AsmatKamoro family has over 50000 speakers which is fairly large by Papuan standards Because of missionary involvement in the region central Asmat now have a written form of the spoken language A modest publishing effort in the language exists that produces children's readers and religious literature A form of Bahasa Indonesia the national language of the Republic of Indonesia is spoken by many Asmat men A significant body of mythology surrounds the origins of headhunting among the Asmat According to the origin myth two brothers were the original inhabitants of the Asmat region The older brother convinced the younger brother to cut off his head and the decapitated head instructed the younger brother about how to go headhunting process the trophy head and use it in initiation rituals for young males The name of the older brother was also transferred to the younger brother an event mirrored in the practice of an Asmat taking the name of a person he has decapitated The number of names a man has reflects the number of heads he has taken in his lifetime In accord with the great power traditionally accorded to the spirits of the deceased the skull of a deceased relative was traditionally kept as a desirable protection against evil spirits Prior to the introduction of Christianity into the territory the Asmat religion was based on a belief in spirits that inhabited things in the natural world as well as the fear of the ghosts of the dead It was also believed that the deaths of all persons except the very young or very elderly were deliberately caused by some malevolent outside force The ancestral spirits to whom great powers were generally attributed were said to demand that tribe members avenge a wrongful death by killing and decapitating an enemy and offering his body to the community for cannibalistic consumption Headhunting and other male activities associated with that endeavor were the focus of many Asmat rituals In traditional Asmat societies there were elaborate cycles of ceremonial feasting that occurred throughout the year Feasts that celebrate the feastgivers' deceased kinfolk are still very important celebrations Other events that required a feast were the opening of a new men's house the dedication of the tall ancestor poles (bis) the dedication of twenty or more war canoes a celebration of masks and a celebration of shields In the past most of the feasting events centered on male activities associated with raiding and headhunting Missionary activity has introduced Christianity into the Asmat area Now some Asmat are professed Christians and celebrate the major Christian holidays Although Islam is the major religion of Indonesia it not practiced among the indigenous population Male initiation was one of the most important rites of passage in precolonial Asmat society although it has lost some of its importance today In the past initiates were given a decapitated head that they would contemplate The power of the warrior which was believed to reside in his decapitated head was to be absorbed by the initiate The initiates would fast during this time They would then take a canoe trip to the sea Their sponsors would eventually plunge the initiates into the sea symbolically killing them The initiates were reborn as warriors Male prowess is still highly valued in Asmat society although male initiation rites no longer involve decapitation Death is accompanied by grieving by family and friends of the deceased who roll in the mud of the riverbanks to hide their scent from the ghost of the deceased Ceremonies are performed to ensure that the ghost passes to the land of the dead referred to as “the other side” The skull of a person's mother is ofte Precontact Asmat life is only sketchily known to anthropologists The earliest reliable accounts date from the 1950s around the time of pacification These accounts focus more on ritual behaviors and practices than they do on the mundane Little is known about the Asmat's everyday life and the current Indonesian practice of limiting the amount of time researchers may spend in Asmat country does not facilitate the acquisition of such information Missionary and governmental influence has affected practices relating to greetings and other forms of social etiquette In precontact times sexual relations between unmarried males and females were not prohibited and there were extensive ritual contexts in which promiscuity was expected The southern coast of Papua is an ideal setting for the proliferation of malaria which is endemic to the region The debilitating aspects of the disease take their toll on the Asmat population Death due to crocodile attack is also common in parts of the Asmat territory In one region these deaths occur frequently enough to warrant the carving of special commemorative poles called “crocodile poles” Houses are elevated on stilts to prevent them from flooding during the rainy season There is no running water or electricity in a traditional Asmat house Mission and government posts in the area typically do have these services and Asmat who work with those institutions do have some access to these comforts Most houses have an outside porch area where people can congregate to talk gossip smoke or just watch their neighbors The coastal Asmat groups travel extensively by canoe along the coast and inland along rivers and tributaries Most of their travel has traditionally been rel Marriage among the Asmat is traditionally defined in terms of the village and the kin group Asmat society is divided into two complementary and contrasting halves termed “moieties” by anthropologists A person is supposed to marry someone from within their village who belongs to the opposite half of the society the other moiety In the past men were allowed to have more than one wife A groom had to pay a “bride price” to his prospective fatherinlaw to negotiate a marriage In some cases the price would be so high that he would have to make installment payments on the total amount due However he was also given rights to harvest a portion of his inlaws' sago trees Before the introduction of European goods the payments consisted of animal furs bird of paradisefeathers triton shells dogs' teeth necklaces stone axes and other weapons In modern times tobacco money and other Western goods are included in the payments After the marriage the bride moves in with her hus.