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It is the Khmer version of the Javanese Kebaya with plain stamped cotton elaborately handpainted and embroidered with silk and gold thread In the past this kind of top was pure white in colour with a high fully embroidered collar Today it has more gold thread and embroidery in several colors It also has a narrow cut very popular with young and middleaged Khmer.
Khmer traditional clothing Wikipedia
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Baca juga Penampilan Zaskia Gotik Kala Nyinden Tuai Komentar Ingrid Kansil Lihat Kebaya Istri Sirajuddin Itu Padahal biasanya Tukul selalu memanggilnya dan menciumnya saat bertemu Namun kalau itu komedian berusia 58 tahun ini hanya diam “Biasanya ayah yang manggil langsung ‘Eh udah datang ya’ gitu di rumah terus ngajak cium tapi ini enggak” ungkap.