Fit And Proper Test Ojk. PDF fileThe fit and proper test is carried out by Financial Services Authority (OJK) on the parties nominated as the Main Party of the Securities Rating Company namely prospective PSP (Controlling Shareholder) candidate members of the Board of Directors.

Hirwandi Gafar Lulus Fit Proper Test Ojk The Public fit and proper test ojk
Hirwandi Gafar Lulus Fit Proper Test Ojk The Public from The Public

This new regulation supplements OJK Regulation No 27/POJK03/2016 regarding Fit and Proper Test for the Primary Parties of a Financial Services Institution (“POJK 27/2016”) While POJK 27/2016 regulates the initial fit and proper tests for primary parties this new regulation authorizes and regulates the OJK’s reassessment of a primary party that has.

Indonesia’s OJK Issues Regulation On Fit And Proper Test

In an attempt to unify the fit and proper test requirements for nonbanking financial services the Financial Services Authority (“OJK”) issued Regulation No 4/POJK05/2013 on Fit and Proper Test of Primary Parties in Insurance Companies Pension Funds Financing Companies and Credit Insurance Companies was recently regulated and has been in effect as of 23 December 2013.

OJK Hentikan Fit & Proper Test Direksi Bumiputera, Ada Apa?

Jakarta CNBC Indonesia Uji kemampuan dan kepatutan (fit and proper test) yang dilakukan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) terhadap direksi dan komisaris menjadi salah satu hal terpenting dalam menjaga kesehatan bank dan industri.

Lulus Ujian OJK, Akhirnya BBTN Miliki Dirut dan Wadirut

b Implementation Mechanism for Fit and Proper Tests 1) The presentations and elucidations for candidate NBFI as part of the fit and proper test mechanism may be performed directly facetoface at the OJK offices another location determined by OJK or via videoconferencing.

Hirwandi Gafar Lulus Fit Proper Test Ojk The Public

ke OJK Ahlis: Sebaiknya Konsultasi Metrosulawesi

Digelar Pukul 14.00 WIB YouTube Fit and Proper Test DK OJK

Demi Stabilitas, Hormati Hasil Fit & Proper Test OJK!

Financial Services Authority (OJK) & Banking Regulations

Tata Kelola Industri Keuangan: Fit and Proper Test

Mewujudkan Industri Jasa Melalui Keuangan yang Sehat

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Ari Kurniaman mengakui bahwa OJK telah menyetujui hasil fit and proper test Haru Koesmahargyo dan Nixon LP Napitupulu sebagai pengurus Bank BTN terhitung sejak 19 Mei 2021 “Benar beliau berdua sudah lulus fit and proper test Bapak Haru Koesmahargyo sebagai Direktur Utama dan Bapak Nixon LP Napitupulu sebagai Wakil Direktur Utama” ucapnya.