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The Sole One The UnityAn Inspiring ConversionHow Can You Live by This Name?Ahad comes from the root hamzahaadaal which points to two main meanings The first meaning is to be the only one and sole The second main meaning is to unite or unify This root appears 85 times in the Quran in 2 derived forms Examples of these forms are ahadun (“anyone”) ahadukum (“one of you”) and ihdaa(“any on.
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“AlAhad” means He is unique and matchless in attributes His Oneness is incalculable numerically speaking He is One and has no father mother son or any other associate “AlWahid” also refers to the Oneness of God In essence and by nature He is a Unique entity and Singular without any helper or partner.
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Du`a Ahad Duasorg Arabic Transliteration Translation اَللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ ٱلنُّورِ ٱلْعَظِيمِ allahumma rabba alnnuri al`azimi O Allah the Lord of the Great Light وَرَبَّ ٱلْكُرْسِيِّ ٱلرَّفِيعِ wa rabba alkursiyyi alrrafi`i the Lord of the Elevated Throne وَرَبَّ.
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Surah AlIkhlas 14
AlAhad: The Sole One (67 / 99 Names of Allah)
Surah Ikhlas [112] Transliteration and Translation
AlAhad: The One & AlWahid: The Lord of Unity – The
Is alAhad one of the names of Allaah? Islam Question
Names AlAhad Islam21c (The Only One) One God Many
Du`a Ahad
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And the Answer is . . . AlAhad! Understand AlQur’an
Al Ahad الاحد ) لکھنا سیکھیں ) Arabic Calligraphy
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Al Ahad : The Only One, the Unique by Fatima Karim Medium
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Dua Ahad Sahifa Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) Supplication 1
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